Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Powerless President

The next president (OK, President Obama) of the United States will be the Emperor That Had No Clothes.  (The only thing more shameful than the 2 candidate's lying B.S. is jerk offs that believe their campaign promises.)  

I read the Constitution of the U.S.  Not a single word in there about power over the economy being granted to the President. Nor any mention of power over the laws of physics and thermodynamics.  CONGRESS has the "power of the purse", says so pretty clearly in the document, and the President has the "power of the sword" (BTW, these are not quotes out of the document).  Why each candidate CLAIMS such power is fairly self evident - the BEST liar wins the presidency (witness GWB and WJC).  Presidential candidates are a lot of things, but dumb just ain't one of those things.  They do what works.

Unfortunately for the better liar in this election, the U.S. cannot drill or bio diesel/alternative energy/wind power/gerbil power/confiscatory tax policy out of our energy predicament.  The better liar will preside over the collapse of the US$ and the worst oil/gasoline shortages since the 1970's.  And that's just for starters.  Because the American people really BELIEVED those lies and imbued the man with mystical powers Presidential, and will be sorely disappointed with the results.

Happens every time. 

Mentatt (at) yahoo (d0t) com


Anonymous said...

For all the reasons I have wanted Obama to be President since early 2007, he has now morphed from being a just a presidential candidate into a "messiah," the one who will fix everything with his magic wand. There are so many people who are now on the edge. There is no way he can fix it all, even with a totally democratic Congress. Obama's time has come, time for all the non-white rich people (and a few white rich ones) that he represents. But he will have no tools to use, and the time to do anything has already passed. Within a year of his election, he will be hated, just like FDR was after a while. Very sad. :(

Dan said...

Some incredible cleaver individual has already come up with a shirt for you.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

Dan! Thanks for that link! Cheered me right up.

Unrepentantcowboy said...


And it's eaiser for someone lacking experience to look you in the eye and say yes we can because he actually at least half ass believes his own lie.

Man been around for a while knows we're screwed, blued and tatooed.