Tuesday, July 29, 2008

An Important Article

Wow!  Easily one of the most important articles of the year.

If you read nothing else, read (and then re-read) this paragraph:

Step 1. Grow up, be a smart fifth grader, no cognitive dissonance!

In the political arena "cognitive dissonance" means "partisanship," a fancy term for being myopic, inflexible, blind to new ideas. You're a conservative Republican or liberal Democrat. Period. Solution: The new president better set the tone, blunt the childish bickering. However, if Wall Street stays drunk on "greed" cocktails, the chaos will continue. Why? Because like a drunken Joker, Wall Street loves chaos. Yes, Wall Street actually thrives on partisanship, chaos and gridlock. Solution: Greater transparency with any new "fancy financial instruments."

Now who would call the idealouges on the right and left "myopic, inflexible and blind to new ideas"?  


Yours for a better world,

Mentatt (at) yahoo (d0t) com


Anonymous said...

Crony capitalists want to socialize the costs and privatize the profits. Chaos and a constant stream of propaganda from ideologues, from the right or the left, muddy the water enough to conceal this.
With lawmakers in tow, it's really not even illegal.
5-7% per year is never enough.
More is always better, greed is good I worship at the shrine of the sacred Dow.
This will probably not change until it dies.

Anonymous said...

Liberal Democrat? Better yet - a liberal American (not associated with the Socialist Party) is an oxymoron. No such thing buddy. You throw around the word liberal as though you've actually been out of the country or have more than one foreign friend.

Anonymous said...

What we call a 'liberal' in America would be a "centrist" or "moderate" in most other countries.