Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"The Worst Is Behind Us" - Richard Fuld

Two month's ago, Lehman Brothers' career-man-CEO, Richard Fuld, threw his hat in the ring for author of "most ridiculous, bald faced attempt to manipulate and misinform" since Ben Bernake and Henry Paulson's "the decline in housing is contained" circle jerk of 2 years ago.

Well, DICK... if "The Worst Is Behind Us", why did Lehman need to raise another $6 BILLION in capital?  And, by the way, DICK, ...  have you noticed that Lehman has lost more than $6 BILLION in market capitalization in just a couple of days?  Actually, DICK, Lehman Brothers has lost over $13 BILLION in market capitalization in less than 5 weeks.

Still, DICK,  I am sure your board will be more than generous for your efforts in missing the housing crisis, the spike in oil, the collapse of the U.S. $ and blowing away tens of billions of dollars in shareholder value.  After all, the corporate board's of directors were MORE than generous when Stan O'Neal (Merrill Lynch) and Charles Prince (Citigroup) performed similarly.  After all, you guys deserve it - you did go to the right schools for part-time training 30 years ago.  That CERTAINLY qualifies you and makes you deserving of a 9 figure exit package.

Mentatt (at) yahoo (d0t) com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

+1 for channeling Kurtwood Smith's performance in Paul Verhoeven's classic "Robocop".