Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The U.S. Economy Is In A World Of Hurt

If you are not terrified, right now, about the prospects for the U.S. economy and its currency, you aren't paying attention.

The U.S. is in debt up to its EYEBALLS.  Policy makers have "lessened" this debt through fabricated reports of "growth", which has in truth just been plain old price inflation, and they have been doing it IN EARNEST for the past 8 years (prior to that they were still doing it, just half-heartedly).  You see, REAL INFLATION, the kind that measures wages versus the things those wages buy, was likely 20% over the past 12 months, and since 2000 has probably been 6 - 10% per year.  Where did I come up with that?  Just take a look at: 

  1. Food
  2. Gasoline
  3. Healthcare
  4. Tuition
  5. Electricity Rates
I, personally, do not give a good fart about computer equipment prices or Ipods versus stereos. I am a family man, and I can tell you first hand that our family health insurance premium has more than DOUBLED since 2001.  Well, if something DOUBLES in 7 years, the "rule of 72" says its price increases were 10% COMPOUNDED each and every year during those 7 years.  In 2000, 8 years ago, I was paying $1.25 for gasoline (now $4.40 in Florida)... That works out to what, 17% or 18% to compounded per year (too lazy to break out the calculator)?  Don't even get me going on food, property taxes, or my son's tuition bills.

The fact is, the U.S. has not been growing out of its debt, as some jerk offs argue, we have been INFLATING out of our debt (Budget and Trade, that is) as percentage of GDP, by Bullshitting about the GDP deflator.  "Inflation" masked as "Growth"  The fly in ointment is this - the U.S. has had essentially ZERO job growth outside of GOVERNMENT for the past 6 or 7 years AND has had wage growth of only a couple percent per year.  Well folks, it doesn't take an advanced degree from a ridiculously expensive institution (whose graduates FAILED to see the damage their contrived mortgage merry go round was wreaking) to grasp that if REAL inflation is 8% and wage growth is 3%, and a trade deficit of 5% of GDP, is going to catch people up short at some point.  THAT POINT IS NOW.

And this does not take into account the doubling of oil over the past 9 months or so (which we will feel in very real and disturbing ways in about 6 months).  Meanwhile, in the background:

  1. The U.S. has become the largest debtor nation in HISTORY.  
  2. The U.S. has the greatest percentage of population in prison in HISTORY.  
  3. The U.S. spends more on its military budget than any nation in HISTORY.  
  4. U.S. manufacturing as a percentage of GDP is the lowest in HISTORY.  
  5. The number of U.S. children receiving food assistance is the highest in HISTORY.  
  6. The U.S. household savings rate is the lowest in its HISTORY; conversely household debt as a percentage of income is the highest in the history of the DEVELOPED WORLD.
Here we are, entering the greatest banking crisis since the advent of the 1929 stock market crash ushered in the surreal economy of the 1930's (and fascism, nazism, socialism, etc...), and this is the the theme music playing in the background.

So here's the deal. Sometime in the near future:
  1.  The international central banks are going to go on a "buyers strike" of U.S. Treasury Bonds.  The interest rate on the long bonds will rocket and their prices will plummet. 
  2. The U.S. $ will plunge in the Foreign Exchange markets.  This will usher in extreme import inflation, tripping domestic production inflation as well.  (i.e., That $120,000 imported sports car will go to $500,000.  Now think Oil, chinese goods at Walmart, etc...)
  3. The U.S. will have no choice but to monetize its debt, selling bonds to the Federal Reserve who in turn creates the money to buy these bonds out of THIN AIR depressing the value of all of the OTHER DOLLARS (you know, the dollars you and I have diligently saved) around the world (and there are already too many of these).
This going to happen.  There is no force in the world that can stop this at this time.  We simply ran out the clock in this game of chicken.  Why now?  Oil imports have recently entered a permanent state of decline, and the U.S. system was constructed upon an ever expanding availability of cheap, imported Oil.

You have been seeing this in the price of Oil, Gold, and the value of the U.S. $ in the FOREX markets if you have been paying attention.  If you have not been paying attention, you are feeling it, RIGHT NOW, like a SCUBA diver that forgot to check his air pressure and is suddenly unable to breathe, in the form of declining purchasing power, crummy business conditions, falling home values, etc...

This is only the beginning.  Like a choking victim with no one around to perform the Heimlich Maneuver, the U.S. economy, which has slowly been asphyxiated, will now feel that process accelerating.  When it finally passes out, it will fall and smash its head on the concrete floor of our Trade and Budget deficits, Medicare & Social Security, Oil Imports, Mortgage Debt, and Military Spending.

No one is going to sort this out for you.  You are going to have to do it yourself.  

Good Luck!

Mentatt (at) yahoo (d0t) com


Richard Jennings said...

I keep seeing unemployment stats go up but I see so many high paying jobs on employment sites I dont get the stats I keep reading:


It seems like demand for talent is still strong.

Anonymous said...

Nice post dude. What do you mean nobody is going to sort it out for us? You just did. But most people will not be able to understand what you are saying. They can read but they cant understand it. Not their fault really. Nothing is. They are not accountable for anything to anyone.

Chuck H.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

Hey Chuck:

I meant that this series of unfortunate events will lend itself to self-rescue ONLY.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...


The anecdotal job offerings do not, in my opinion, overcome the empirical evidence.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we've anything yet. Social security is in a heap of trouble. Looming on the horizon is long term care. We have a whole bunch of baby boomers who are going to retire and who do not own any long term care insurance. The statistics indicate many will need LTC. Without insurance they will spend themselves into bankruptcy, putting them on the government shoulders too. It's not pretty.

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI, I enjoyed reading your posts I gave you a link on my blog: http://www.choicearizona.blogspot.com

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Another fabulous post, Greg, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Kudos- You really nailed it this time. I love your posts - They are great e-mail material. Keep up the good work. Ed

Anonymous said...

Nice to know someone else from Florida thinks like I do. I live in the Tampa area (Brandon) and have been researching this stuff and a lot more for the past 2 years. I was expecting it based off of my research and here it is. The housing problem is just getting started. There are more ARM and teaser rate mortgages coming due in 2008 than 2006 or 2007. The unemployment is rising at an unbelievable rate. Those unemployed have mortgages to pay and high priced groceries. I guarantee they'll be spending the little money they have on food and gas BEFORE they pay their mortage when that time comes which is right around the corner. I wish you were closer so we could talk in person. The sheep around here just don't seem to care. My sister's church has fantastic prices on 1 year supplies of food/canned goods and I'm about to get some. The funny thing was a guy from the year 2000 claiming to know our future based off of highly advanced technology laid out our timeline. One thing he said was, "2008 was a general year in which the world you thought you were living in will be over." Someone asked him what if the people can't see it or don't know. He said this "problem" would be at everyone's doorstep in 2008. He also refered to the 2009 president as he/she and the 2005 president as "leader" not president. The next thing he saidto look out for was the Olympics not happening and if they don't civil was in the US will be here within 1 year which starts out as civil unrest and by 2011 full blown civil war.