Friday, June 20, 2008

Empty Homes and Empty Wallets and Idle Hands

The number of vacant homes in the U.S. is reported at 18.6 million units.

Yea, and facelifts make people look younger.
The number of vacant homes, in my opinion, probably tops 25 million and could approach 30 million. I arrived at this by taking the NAR data point of 18.6 million and extrapolating a "Liars Loan" figure of at least 6 million mortgages where the applicant lied on their application that they intended to live in the home, when in fact they were speculating. I would be willing to bet that between Florida and California alone that the number of empty home owned by speculators that lied about their intentions tops 3 million units.

None of these homes are going to sell anywhere close to their mortgage debt.


Oil pricecs rise, the economy contracts further, the 25,000,000 homes are foreclosed on, each for $100,000 loss.

Hmmm... 25,000,000 x 100,000 = 2,500,000,000,000 or $2.5 Trillion!!!

Yea, I know it won't work out in such round numbers, maybe the average loss on the 25million vacant homes is only $50,000... then again, maybe they cannot sell them at any price and the write down is $250,000 per home.

Don't beat me about the gross oversimplication of this, I got it, I got it, already! But sometimes simple models really do work rather well....

Just a thought....

Mentatt (at) yahoo (d0t) com

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