Thursday, March 5, 2009



That is all we, the American people, seem to get from our government, our media, our political parties. And you wanna know why? Because it WORKS. These groups aren't stupid. They would not continue to do something that does not work.

NO ONE in the markets would argue FOR the Obama economic plan. Someone sent me data showing that Obama WON the over $200k income vote. Yes, it appears that he did.

My bet is that this group will be less than happy with their decision. Futher, there is quite a difference between MAKING money and actually HAVING money (or a portfolio). This can be subdivided once more between those that HAVE money they inherited from those that worked a lifetime in order to HAVE the money they do.

Our entire system depends on this last group. These are the folks that start businesses and professional practices, and set an example for everybody else. The next group that society depends on are workers that live by the rules and within their means.

It is pretty simple, really. The Obama administration's economic plans attempt to redistribute wealth and income is being welcomed by the free market like something between enthusiasm for a root canal and a hemoroid. The Left (like MSNBC) is spinning it back on Bush, the Right has nothing intelligient to say for itself, and we don't have a MIDDLE.

To think that our Republic has been reduced to this.


Mentatt (at) yahoo (d0t) com


bureaucrat said...

Let's not jump on my boss "Mr. Kumbaya" too quickly ...

I could easily see the monied classes (those making over $250K a year) voting for him cause ... well, look at what we ended up with ... we people who were lucky enough to do (or inherit) well, vote once for the first black president of the U.S., and, at least in our eyes, also, at the same time, get forgiven for 400 years of slavery and oppression. You can see it on the faces of the black people who have waited for this messiah for so long. With one little vote, we bleeding-heart liberal rich people have made so many people so happy .... worldwide! And we've been forgiven too! :)

And lets also be realistic about this "redistribution" bullshit. The well-off make a LOT of $$ off the government, thru such hugely popular programs as Social Security, Medicare, Interest on the Debt (free FDIC insurance for wealthy Treasuries owners), veterans benefits, Defense spending, and such. This stuff takes up 80% of the Federal budget. And who exactly is going to pay for all these programs? The poor? They don't have any money. Bush's 10-years worth of tax cuts strangled the Federal budget, decimated the middle class and made the poor poorer. So please, don't cry for all the poor little rich people who are going to get re-distributized. They love their government programs, even more than the poor people do, and it is about time the rich paid for what they get.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

I must disagree.

Bill Clinton inherited a recession. His policies led to the Tech Bubble.

Bush inherited the Dot com bust. We paid for the tech crash with the housing bubble. This was ENTIRELY engineered at the very INDEPENDENT U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.

Obama inherited the Housing Crash.

Presidents inherit things. That is not a coincidence. That is how our system works.

Obama's supporters came largely from 2 camps. People "of color", whatever the hell that means but it seems to be the new new pc thing, and pro abortion rights sympathizers. Each group was roughly 30% of his nearly 53% of the popular vote.

Racist voters (if someone told me they voted for McCain because he was White I would think he had 2 heads and no brains) and pro one of "the most disgusting acts" a person can do is hardly a positive endorsement of the elctive process.

Dan said...

When discussing corporate welfare don’t forget programs for the working poor that also serve to subsidize payroll at companies like Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, etc.

Dan said...

I think universal suffrage is at the root of the newspeak. We have all these bleeping idiots with the right to vote, when it comes to intelligence by definition 50% must below average. We have people with no interest in the country as a going concern with the right to vote.

The republic is dead; as a direct result of the seventeenth amendment we are now a democracy with all that it entails.