Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where Is The Outrage?

Dear American Political Left:

Have you READ the frigging "stimulus bill" coming out of the U.S. House of Representatives?



5% for "Infrastructure", and all of that to maintain support of individual automobile ownership??!!  How fu&^%!! hypocritical can you possibly be??!!

Keep Hope Alive?  I'd rather have GWB (almost), at least he'd veto this DREK.  Obama got it right when he called Wall Street's thievery "shameful", now he needs to reign in the California Cowgirl running the $%^#!~! House.  Anybody notice how California is doing in all of this anyway?

Where is the OUTRAGE from the Left??  (I must be out of my mind asking that...)We are back at the edge of the ABYSS, and this is the best the Democrats can do for the country?

Mentatt (at) yahoo (d0t) com


Anonymous said...

This is just what I expected. A lot of social spending, propping up states so they can bail the unions, waiting for the banks to collapse so they can be nationalized, and the auto industry can be nationalized and healthcare can be nationalized and big oil can be nationalized. There is no outrage because big journalism is in the bag with the DNC. Make no mistake. GWB could do no right and BHO will do no wrong. Not that I like the Republicans either.

Please go to the DSA's website, and read their "Where We Stand" page. It is most enlightening. Look at the list of House Members that are in the Progressive Caucus (DSA). President Obama was also a member, until he let his membership lapse as he sought national office.

I don't believe they are interested for one minute in saving the economy or anything else except to the extent that it furthers the purposes of world wide socialism. Hell, they say so themselves.


Coal Guy

Anonymous said...

>I don't believe they are interested for one minute in saving the economy or anything else except to the extent that it furthers the purposes of world wide socialism.<

Why would "they" want to collapse the economy and then rule over an economic laughing-stock of a country??

It's funny... but the leaders of 3rd world economies "just don't get no respect".

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

I don't think this is what Obama had wanted... I think he has a problem with this House and its Speaker.

I think these Jag off's are taking advantage of a new president of the same party. I hope he can reign them in - to do otherwise would be a disservice to his presidency.

Anonymous said...

The "They" that I'm talking about are the DSA members in Congress (they call themselves the Congressional Progressive Caucus) and those who support them. They control 11 committee chairmanships. Google it. Before Nancy P. became Speaker, the DSA and the CPC had links to each other's web sites and CPC members were proud to say that to be in the CPC was to be in the DSA. Now the two sites have been sanitized, so that there is not even single reference from one to the other.

Please, read what the DSA's major goals are. According to these bozos US is the Great Oppressor of the world and must be reined in, demilitarized and brought under the control of an international government. Our standard of living needs to be brought into line with the median of the rest of the world. All credit, industry and natural resources also must be controlled by this international government, so that wealth can be evenly distributed. They intend a third world standard of living for everyone, except themselves, of course. Does a depression in the US and the rest of the developed world get them closer or further away from their goals? Don't take my word for it. Read what they say. It only takes a few minutes. Do you think they don't mean it?


Coal Guy

bureaucrat said...

What exactly would you like us liberal democrats to do? You had everything you wanted .. a brain-dead Republican president and Congress, who gave you everything, including (with democratic help) reduced government oversight and free-wheeling, bloodsucking salesmen who sold loans to naive people. What do you want us to do now? The baby boomers have totally botched their own retirement funding by spending lots and saving nothing. All the rich people continue to be very rich. The world debt is of a scale that we may just have destroyed our own country (like the British did after WW2). There is no Prudhoe Bay or North Sea to save us from our sins this time. And I see these kids and have nothing but sadness for the world they are about to inheret. It is too late to do anything now. We'll survive, but there is only one party to blame for almost all of this: the opportunistic, "pull themselves up by their own jockstraps," reality-denying Republican party.

Anonymous said...

Now let's see...

The unfunded obligations (mostly social welfare) of the US government have been growing each year, faster than the entire payroll of the US population. If there were a 100% income tax, the unfunded obligations next year would STILL be bigger than this year... and the Republicans have the market cornered on denial?? There is plenty of blame to go around. This is a bi-partisan disaster.

This thing has been winding up since the 70's.


Coal Guy

Anonymous said...

Just a note about your post-

>The world debt is of a scale that we may just have destroyed our own country (like the British did after WW2). <

I would note that after WW2, the Brits knew they were broke and started dismantling the empire ie India 1947. They were able to maintain a downsized democracy of sorts and avoided the tragic endgame of empire.

We USAers are also broke but we don't want to acknowledge it. So we are funding our 700+ military bases around the globe and looking for new wars to fight.

We need to take a look at what the Brits did at the end of their empire.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing.......

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