Friday, May 29, 2009

Too Little, Too Late


Talk about too little, too late.

(All you know about G.M. and the UAW is what you read in the newspapers, or heard in the media.  ALL of those stories were placed there by public relations' firms trying to spin the public one way or another.)

Far more than management, the UAW destroyed G.M. by overplaying their hand.  Well... sort of... it was going to happen anyway... but the savers and pensioners got the shaft at the expense of the UAW.

But at least they are ready to do something about it - and only 24 (business) hours before G.M. enters bankruptcy!  Talk about playing out your hand...

On a more positive note... Lee Iacoca lost his pension.  Now if the U.S. would simply take over the entire pension system and give everyone the same benefit we might actually avoid a political crisis.  Nah... we are going to bail out the Union pensions at taxpayer expense, taxpayers that have NO pension are going to be FORCED to pay for those who do.

Hell of a system



Jacob Gittes said...

I have no doubt that I will need to be farmin' the old family farm/land soon, and that I will be depending on the goodness of my child (one so far) and grandchildren to survive as a geezer.

The storm of gnashing of teeth will not be pretty.

Anonymous said...

When the bands of roaming Goths and runaway slaves descend upon the countryside, may the household gods protect you.
Of course, if you remember from the last time, it was not pretty. The legions could not be depended upon for protection.
And for that protection, you will offer fealty and your property to the Dux of the Latifundus down the road.
That's how feudalism and serfdom got it's start.
Ave atque vale.