Friday, March 25, 2011

Why We/NATO are in Libya

Most of the current leaders of the Western industrialized nations will not survive their next election if Oil is over $100 per barrel and NONE of them would survive $130 Oil.

And that's why we are bombing Libya.

This is Sarkozy's war. Without it, he was toast. France led the U.K., the U.S. and NATO into this clusterf***.

Rwanda, the Congo, North Korea et al, do not warrant a single bomb despite millions of deaths! Yet Libya does...

This is what Peak Oil looks like politically. For now.


Anonymous said...

If the crippled western economies do not enforce their claims to Libyan oil, that oil may just get locked up in bilateral contracts w the Chinese.

Of course, the Chinese make real investments in the resource economies, do not meddle in their politics, and can pay for oil with real industrial production- not a bunch of freshly printed Tbonds.

Best, Marshall

Anonymous said...

China trades industrial output for oil because they have factories. On the other hand, we have a defense department and if they don’t pump for us we’ll free the $h1% out of them, impose various flavors of liberation, and remake their society in our image.


Anonymous said...

So...we are using the US military as a protection racket to force these resource economies to give us our daily oil fix.

No oil and those ME oil kingdoms will wake up to F-14s flying 10 feet above their bedroom ceilings.

Where does all this fit in with the enlightenment principles of the American founding fathers?

Best, Marshall

Anonymous said...

Ask the average American to list five of the founding fathers; never mind their ideals, just list the men; and things get complicated after Washington and Jefferson. The brighter folks will proffer Madison but after that nearly everyone is lost.


Joseph said...

War is a racket. Smedley was a man before his time.