Monday, September 14, 2009

You Can't Make this stuff Up!

President Obama's Community Activist Center - ACORN - just ain't helping the Big Guy out these days.

(Disclosure:  I am a Pro Life Libertarian, I do not think the Government should be in the business of telling anybody who they can and cannot sleep with (given a reasonable age of consent) for ANY reason - but I would demand that the individual alone accept the repercussions of their decisions (yes, it is "your body" and you can sell it to whomever you wish, and no, the baby you might carry is not "your body" - just check the DNA - and you may not kill it. Irrespective of whether you agree or not... my position is fairly clear, I think.  It was just a disclosure, not a challenge.)

These are the people, the ACORN type community organizers, that made the statistical difference and gave Obama the Presidency.  

Please note that the documentarian is informing the ACORN reps that he intends to bring in underage, illegal aliens to work as prostitutes with he as their pimp.  Forget my Libertarian tendencies... just because I think a law is "wrong" does not mean that I would suggest one violate said law... prostitution is illegal, underage girls would be a Class "A" Felony, and I am sure that the folks at INS would frown at the whole illegal alien thing.

Just wanted you to know who this administration owes its favors to.



bureaucrat said...

PLEASE PLEASE tell me that this is one of your little ":)" pieces that means nothing, cause I'm really more concered about something that matters, like energy and oil, and a WHOLE lot less about two low-level Acorn office workers giving "advice" who have nothing to do with nothing. You got this from the Fox News Channel? Obama is desstroying his presidency all by himself by bailing everyone out. Fox thinks they have to help him do it faster? Talk about anecdotal versus empirical! :)

P.S. the gas stations I checked today were all open and filled, and prices are dropping a little.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...


The "low-level ACORN office workers" were the constituency that pushed Obama over the finish line. If Obama were a white Republican he would be under impeachment RIGHT NOW with this.

Besides, the was just too freaking sickly hysterical to pass up on...

bureaucrat said...

Thanks for labeling it "hysterical" and Bozo-stuff and not something serious. I was getting a headache. :)

Obama was a community organizer once in Chicago, but he wasn't pushed over the electoral top by them. Obama was a cry for help -- nothing more -- from a nation filled with people who knew something was wrong but didn't understand what it was (thanks a lot, mainstream media, for sitting on your hands).

Hillary wasn't nominated cause her negatives were 40%+ among the male independents - guys who would vote for Obama, and did, making him win in a landslide over McCain. How else would you explain the significant drop in Obama's approval already after just 6 months?

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

Sorry Bur:

The statistical demographics do not bear you out.

Obama won by 4% - that would be the community organizers.

There was no big news in energy today... a little levity can go a long way!

Anonymous said...

Is this the same ACORN that is complicit in massive voter fraud across the country? And, is this the same ACORN that intimidates bankers and threatens them with physical harm? Is that what is meant by "community organizer?" Why am I not surprised.


Coal Guy

James M Dakin said...

Okay, somebody has to ask, and it might as well be me since everyone already thinks I'm a jerk. Are these guys even elected anymore? Or selected? Just trying to stir the pot here :)

bureaucrat said...

Oh, Obama was elected ... by a LANDSLIDE! He got more than twice the electoral votes (the only vote that matters) McCain got .. it was 365 Obama vs. 173 McCain. More than double the vote for McCain.

He did not win by "4%."

Anonymous said...

Electorial vote; obama 365, mccain 173

states carried; obama 28, mccain 22

Pop. vote; obama 69,457,000, mccain 59,934,814

Prec%; yourmama 52.9%, mccain 45.7%

Oh, the Popular vote matters ON THE STREET


Gravitar Profundus said...

first, this belongs on your other blog. and second, i could be wrong here but i don't exactly see this as a systemic thing. this is a bunch of morons who are trying to be criminals using ACORN as some sort of cover. third, as for the voter fraud, the folks who take the registrations are hourly workers. it doesn't matter how many times they register mickey mouse, on election day, the big-eared one ain't showing up to cast a ballot. on the other hand, the time the morons take filling out the fake forms boosts their hours. such is the way of petty thieves. and overhyping media outlets who don't analyze, don't have anything legit, and don't care as long as it helps them win (and yes it works both ways).

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

Dear Anon:

I stand corrected on the popular vote - I guess it was a landslide...

No matter how you slice it, the video is hysterical! They did this to another ACORN in NYC, same pitch - same result.


Dan said...

Three times so far; DC, Baltimore, and NYC; same result.

How many before RICO applies?

Anonymous said...


It is not Mickey Mouse that bothers me. They also register people to vacant lots and abandoned buildings, and dead people, and illegal immigrants. These fictitious, dead and otherwise unqulaified people actually DO manage to vote. Bureaucrat is a good Chicagoan. Ask.


Coal Guy

bureaucrat said...

That was 30 years ago, when I was 12! :) Computerized voting here in Chicago is a pain in the ass (long lines), but it appears to be reasonably accurate.

Gravitar Profundus said...

if those people manage to vote at that point then it's because of failures, incompetence, mistakes, crimes, fraud, what have you, at the local department of elections, not ACORN. i haven't followed this too closely but i did manage to catch a brief report somewhere on the radio while flipping stations that yes, the sting worked in a few areas, but in many more of them, which were not so delightfully filmed and posted by right-wing bloggers and glen beck, the staff there threw the folks out or called the police. how about a fair and balanced account, eh?

Anonymous said...


When someone robs a bank, it is the bank's fault for not having enough guards. When someone embezzles funds it is the company's fault for insufficient accounting safeguards. The perpetrator is the victim, and the victim is at fault for making the crime possible.

You are a true liberal.


I'm glad they are cleaning that up. The computerized voting stations are not that secure, but one can hope. 30 years ago was when I lived in Illinois.


Coal Guy

Gravitar Profundus said...

anonymous: by your analogy, every branch of every bank should be shutdown if one branch gets robbed. so you penalize everyone who works for the company because of one branch unlucky enough to be amidst criminals, incompetents, or fools. and then to continue the absurdity then, we should probably shut down the country as well, because either you or i and our fellow ideologues must also be one of the three.

Anonymous said...

You get my point exactly. You dismiss ACORN's complicity in voter fraud, expecting that the elections officials should be responsible to stop it. ACORN is responsible for the fraud it commits. If the elections officials do not catch it, well that is to their discredit. But ACORN is responsible for the criminal activity that they engage in.

As far as fair and balanced reporting, neither CNN nor FOX nor any other main stream outlet seems too interested in journalism anymore. Mostly they support a point of view by selecting what they will report and won't. Fox irritates me no end, but you hear about things on Fox that you hear nowhere else. Since no outlet is vaguely interested in the truth, the only choice is to listen to everyone's crap and try to discern what is really going on for yourself.


Coal Guy

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

Coal Guy:

I have completely given up TV. I am trying to convince my family to cancel the cable subscription... no luck yet.

For myself, I will not watch it.

The presentation of any news can be slanted and influenced by simple things like beautiful faces and pleasant personalities.

F*ck them.