Monday, July 13, 2009

Goldman Sachs, the modern day Anti-Christ

Since I won't be looking for a job on Wall Street anytime soon, nor running for office... I will say it.  Somebody has to say it.  It has to be said:

Goldman Sachs is the Antichrist.

That's right.

If you wanna see the personification of evil in the modern world, look no further than lower Manhattan to Blankfein and Co.  I am not saying they planned the entire thing from the beginning - from setting up the Fed after the Tech market fiasco to blow the housing bubble that they profited SOOOO handsomely from... from pulling the plug on the CDO market, shorting the snot out of those securities while Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers stood there up a flag pole, twisting in the wind.  Now, the Antichrist, er, I mean Goldman Sachs is the only game left.

Did I mention that they are a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT bastion of extreme resources?  Robert Rubin and Jon Corzine anyone?

I am only half tongue in cheek when I say that the Democratic sweep and Goldman's ascension was a Coup d' etat.

There is an old saying that comes to mind... Dear American Left: Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it.

Mentatt (at) yahoo (dot) com


Jacob Gittes said...

Thanks for saying it, Greg.
I've gone through basically all political ideologies in my years: liberal Democrat in the northern Minnesota tradition, libertarian, conservative. Now I don't much care about ideology, other than: keep the government out of my affairs!

When your gov't is captured by the elite of the elites, what can possibly bring about change other than the R word?

Americans are currently too cowardly to revolt against the status quo in any meaningful way.

Will this change?

Lenny said...


Goldman used to be the best.

When I go over their results, I wonder who lost all the money that they made. I do realize that two major competitors are gone and the remaining IBs are on the sidelines. I have been a professional trader for more than a decade. The markets are volatile, but shallow. I want to know who Goldman is trading with. Just asking.

Now they are as bad as anyone can imagine. It must be nice to have the Fed's error account. Heads I win, Tails you lose. Fuck you very much. I used to think my French Revolution scenario was far fetched. They best be careful is right.


A Quaker in a Strange Land said...

The circumstance is TRULY disgusting.

The funny thing is that the Feminist/Abortion/Gay Marriage Triumvirate really think that their controllers are about THEM... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

They were a means to an end.

bureaucrat said...

Excuse me, Mr. Libertarian man, but if Sachs can make money shorting an impaired market (making money off of other peoples' stupidity), being completely capitalist, I would think you'd be singing their praises? :)

Lenny said...


I have no problem with GS kicking the shit out of the markets. But they aren't. They are bullshit. It ain't gonna be the lumpenproles who hoist them up. It is going to be me. The independent. Who trades without the Fed's error account or algies.



A Quaker in a Strange Land said...


You are wasting your breath. While you, because you work inside the machine, know how things work, the lumpen masses see what they want to see, how their leaders tell them to see it.

Wanna know the difference between Michael Jackson's extreme fans and Obama's?



THERE WAS NO FREE MARKET. That was the f%$#! point.

The AC, er, GS, IS the market.

Lenny said...

Word G:

These markets are beginning to resemble a game of three card monte on 6th and bleeker. I am not complaining, still scratching out a living. Sure as hell beats working for a living. But it's still bullshit. When Lenny D makes a trade, he takes risk. And when he loses, it hurts.

And I convinced that TV and the internet make it impossible to change anything. That, and the majority has figured out to vote themselves increasing sums from the treasury.

bdrube said...

Dude - you gotta stop bashing "the left." I consider myself a leftist, big believer in social justice, opposer of the Iraq War and American Empire and all that.

BUT, I'd like to see all the Goldman assholes strung up by their nuts along with Geithner and Bernanke. I also adamantly opposed the TARP and the stimulus nonsense and think Obama's health care plan is a pending fiscal disaster.

Not all of us "lefties" march in lock step. In fact, I find lefties to often be far less docternaire (and organized) than conservatives.

The sad fact is most Americans want liberal big government programs but libertarian levels of taxation, and since there is no such thing as a free lunch we're all about to experience the consequences of our so-called "leaders" failure to reconcile this basic political dilemma.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...


I only bash the Left because the Right are no more. If they were still in power I would strip the bark right off them for being STUNNINGLY full of shit.

Left and Right are dead, as I have said in many, many posts. The Left still needs to be finished off, before they do anymore harm.

Lenny said...


So true. The RepubliCONS destroyed themselves during the reign of King Shrub II. Now it is the Democraps' turn.

THEY (read: DemoCRAPs) OWN what is coming. Both houses of CONgress and the Oval Office. In 2012, are they still gonna be blaming Hoover? I mean come on. They didn't cause it alone, true. The polity did. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

We are toast.


Donal Lang said...

Greg, I'm confused. As one of those European lefties I'd assume that republican ideology about free markets would support the company that survived by being 'better' at the king-of-the-hill, law-of-the-jungle, corporate struggle, which usually means try by any means possible to do down your competition and create a monopoly for yourself. The obvious way to do this is to bend the government to your plan.

The lefties usually complain about two outcomes; that free markets always end up in some kind of monopoly, and that free markets boom and crash.

Seems to me that Goldman Sucks has proved right on both counts. Long live the Free Market!

Or do you think there should be more control?

By the way, I used to be a free marketeer, globalisation kinda guy, but I've seen the light. Gekko was wrong; it's Society that is Good. Money is just the tool to help create it.

bureaucrat said...

I think Jeffers was saying that Sachs made all that money by cheating, something I guess they are very good at. They game the system and then win the fixed game.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...


To say the AC was "cheating" doesn't do them justice.

These guys are Government Sachs. They make the rules, own the Law Firms AND the prosecutors, judges, and elected officials.

If there was a "Free Market", AIG would have defaulted and the Antichrist would be no more... didn't happen, thanks to their puppets in D.C.

No one on the Left is "confused", least of all you. The Left turns a blind eye when necessary to advance their agenda - no different than the Right.

A Quaker in a Strange Land said...


You don't sound Left from your writing... sounds more Libertarian than anything else to me... but what do I know...

bureaucrat said...

Apparently Jeffers isn't alone ...

Anonymous said...

This is the problem with regulated business. Business eventually regulate their regulators. I sat on a standards committee for a data communications standard for a while. At one point the boys from AT&T stood up and explained how this would become a regulated business. You never saw such s#!t eating grins.

Banks, Pharmaceuticals,Telecom, Utilities... It's all the same. They all eventually get their regulators to do two things for them.

1. Prevent new entrants into the market.
2. Guarantee big f^@king profits.

Of course these guys want big government. More to own.


Coal Guy