Saturday, December 12, 2009

"Child Hunger" makes front page lead article MSNBC

Although a sad state of affairs, I was thrilled to see the American "Child Hunger" issue make the front page of MSNBC today.

I get a bit of ribbing from some of my associates that the sky hasn't fallen yet... maybe not for Wall Street professionals benefitting from "Bailout Nation", but for working class families the collapse is past tense. When you can't put enough food on the table, the next step is no roof over your head.

This issue has to be attacked from all angles. 25% of all children, and 90% of African-American children will receive food stamps before adulthood! The children are innocent. The parents? Not so much. Where the h*ll is President Obama, a black man that has the political cover to call black fathers "on to the carpet" - and take responsibility. Too afraid of offending his constituency? Folks who cannot provide for themselves certainly cannot provide for their children. How do we break this cycle? If it is this bad now, when food is "cheap", what will happen if food gets "expensive"?

Our country is falling apart from within. The Taliban? Small potatoes. 17 million American children living in homes without enough food? BIG POTATOES.

Look, I was never an Obama fan... but where is the outrage from his supporters?



bureaucrat said...

I keep coming back to the fact that the average U.S. worker has not had a pay increase beyond inflation in 30 years. The sending of all this production capacity to China and India may have seemed like the USA trying to help its "friends" become American-like themselves, but now it is a question of whether it is destroying our own country. Families without real jobs have a lot of trouble with paying for food, housing and everything else. I used to think the U.S. couldn't fight workers in China willing to work for 10 cents an hour. But given the amount of cash being re-distributed to the wealthy of THIS country .. I'm starting to wonder ....

Buzz Kimball said...

why does america have so many problems that seem to be caused by the other guy ?

chinese slave labor is putting us all out of work ? drug dealers are ruining our trillion dollar education system ? islamo-fascists hate our freedoms and want to nuke your home town ?

it's always the other guy's fault, and we have to blow them up first to get rid of 'our problem'.

essentially the ruling elite has no morals and the drugs, alcohol and inbreeding has, shall we say, saddled the populace with incompetent assholes instead of leaders. after generations of raping the countryside of raw materials they have run out of 'cheap' everything, including water. and the 'american dream' came to a screeching halt.

you can believe voting republican next year 'will save our ass' just like voting for obama last year was going 'to save our ass'.

forget about it... forget about them. get your shit together and live your life.

Dan said...

WOW. Four people can’t eat on $650 per month, $950 per month including the store bill? That is unreal.

Last month the Times put it at about 25% of children eating off stamps today, and 50% before adulthood. Their interactive map is downright scary in its implications.

Anonymous said...


It's the attitude that wealth just oozes from the ground in the US. The elite who set policy have never worked at a job that produced anything. Just like people that have never seen a farm think that food comes from a grocery store, these jerks think that money comes from the bank.

They had and still have no idea that money is only worth what there is to buy with it, and we produce less and less value, we will become poorer and poorer. There did not have to be NAFTA or China Free Trade. I'm generally in support of such things. It is not a bad idea to try to stabilize poor, dangerous countries. We do seem to have thrown the baby out with the bath water, though.


Coal Guy